6 Things I Like About Azure Managed Grafana

Grafana is an open source data visualization tool. It is the a popular choice with Kubernetes clusters. Azure Managed Grafana is a platform as a service offering that has been generally available in late summer or early fall. So it is relatively new at this point. I have had experience of building, configuring and operating …

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Azure Managed Grafana Setup with AKS

The following is a walk through of a quick setup of Azure Managed Grafana Instance and viewing performance graphs on applications running in Azure Kubernetes Service. This is a relatively new Azure platform service and the general documentation can be found at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/managed-grafana/how-to-data-source-plugins-managed-identity?tabs=azure-portal I have had experience to build, configure and deploy Grafana into an …

Continue reading Azure Managed Grafana Setup with AKS